The lovely Janoya Kim joins Nevernaire Stomping Ground’s roster

Janoya Kim

Dead excited to announce that Janoya Kim has joined the Nevernaire Stomping Ground roster! As of today, we will be working together to make her the star that she deserves to be!

Janoya is from New Brunswick, NJ and she’s currently working under 1070 Entertainment management. I was introduced to her earlier today and have since set up a Facebook Page and a website for her. Check out both and make sure you follow her for news, events and new music.

The talent

Not only is she a beautiful singer – Janoya is a talented rapper! As you may know, I’ve been looking for a talented female to feature for quite some time. (but… I’m mad picky, so it’s taken me months to find someone.)


Janoya is an avid reader and loves the work of Toni Morrison. She is fond of empowered female artists – like Nicki Minaj and SZA and would love to collab with one of them someday.

When asked what product she would endorse if she had her choice, the budding fashionista replied “If you can wear it, i’m for it.” With a body and face like hers, those endorsement deals will be coming in soon enough!

While she does not have an EP coming out any time soon, there are plenty of singles around for you to sink your teeth into. Check out her website for all of her links. She performs often in NY with 1070 Entertainment. Click here for her list of upcoming events.

Janoya dreams of a day in the near future where her name is household. I believe she has the talent to make it there. Let’s give her a little push in the right direction.
Follow Janoya on IG and FB and send her much love. Spread the good word people!

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