Now, the Coveted Nevernaire Tribe Award Winners Are…

Today is a special day on Nevernaire blog. It’s a day to look back at the Indie artists that were featured on the blog in 2022 and pay some respect to the best of the best. Today, we give out the Nevernaire Tribe Award trophies!

These winners were carefully chosen based on their performance on Spotify and YouTube in 2022 as well as their traffic on Nevernaire Blog.

And the winners of the Nevernaire Tribe Awards are…

Best New Album of 2022 Award

The winner of the best album of 2022 award goes to 5am Zeri for his album 4.4. If you haven’t heard this album, you need to check it out right now!

Best Track on 4.4

This track is incredible. I love everything about it, but the buildup? Forget it!

Best New Track of 2022 Award

The best new track of 2022 award goes to Durdy Sope for their track Wypepochiggin. This track has been blowing up all year and it’s been bumping in my headphones since I first heard it.

Most Blog Traffic in 2022

The award for most blog traffic in 2022 goes to Hastyle Rhymes. His article began to blow up right away and numbers continued to soar all year long! This award is well deserved for sure. Hastyle has a unique sound that Hip hop heads just love.

Most Likely to Succeed in 2023 Award


The award for most likely to succeed probably surprises you, but this kid is TALENTED AF! Hyperion has continued to surprise me since I featured him in 2022 and he is going to take storm very soon!

Hyperion is a teenager in high school! But don’t let that fool you. Check out his SPOTIFY if you don’t believe yet.

I made this video btw!


There you have it, 2022’s best Indie Hip hop artists. And you heard them first here on Nevernaire. Be sure to check everyone out and follow them and show you’re support for the KILLER Indie artists in the shadows!



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